Феномен тысячелетий

Движение к Миру — это истина Мира. Вы смотрите на Мир и Вы создаёте Мир. Вы воспринимаете Мир и Мир создаёт Вас. Вы воспринимаете Мир и Мир создаёт себя. Григорий Грабовой

Fenomenon of Ghrabovoi

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19950701-30_О Газета Бизнес ревю Национальной авиакомпании Узбекистан Феномен Грабового_Страница_1 19950701-30_О Газета Бизнес ревю Национальной авиакомпании Узбекистан Феномен Грабового_Страница_2 19950701-30_О Газета Бизнес ревю Национальной авиакомпании Узбекистан Феномен Грабового_Страница_3«Бизнес ревю» №7, июль 1995 г. Международная экономическая газета Национальной авиакомпании «Узбекистон хаво йуллари». Статья «Феномен Грабового» – стр. 7.

by Alexander Pukernov

Photo by Valeri Kharitonov

According to the results of a technical examination, this man, having no information from the black box of the broken aircraft, was able to reproduce a By using only his mind and without visible contact, he transfers information in the computer from one file to another; by a will effort he kills a computer virus.

He reveals hidden defects in an aircraft and a car, penetrating inside as if X-raying it. Aware of a technical scheme only, he is able to reproduce an entire object and then operate as a person with extra-sensory perception.

But we’d like to tell you about one more side of his abilities. Yor have probably seen such tricks when a blindfolded person can find a hidden object or can read what you’ve written on apiece of paper and put in an envelope. These arc tricks Grigori Ghrabovoi, Chief of the Tashkent-based Rampa foreign economic company, does not do conjuring tricks. But it is difficult to call what he can do other than a miracle.

It is common knowledge that in marketing it’s very imporlan to have full information about goods, about those who want to buy them, about all chances to make a good deal. But even if you do a marketing study and make all necessary calculations there is always a certain amount of risk. It may happen that either the demand for this good drops or the buyer finds typical of the newly-borne CIS market.

Grigori Ghrabovoi’s forecasts exclude, according to him, negative after-effects of the deals. His ability to foresee the situation could be proved by the evidence of businessmen who get extraordinary information from him on a contract basis. One of the businessmen told us that Ghrabovoi correctly pointed out the shops where goods sold better. He precisely determined a period of time in the past during which mistakes in book-keeping had been made. This information helped to stave off troubles in future. He precisely described the appearance and the main streaks of business partners though he had never seen them. He gave recommendations concerning contacts with them and all of them were confirmed.

What strange method of forecasting did Ghrabovoi work out? A scientist from San Francisco once told me about his colleague who, after he had received information about the output of refrigerators in the former Soviet Union, the wholesale purchase of eggs and the meat consumption, forecast military operations of the Soviet army in Afghanistan.

It is difficult to understand what information Ghrabovoi uses for his forecasts. But he was able to determine the ratio of the rouble and the dollar in October 1994 and he could give guidance to partners about     profitable capital investments.

It should be said that when he gives consultations to businessmen he runs risks because millions are at slake. And according to a contract he shall pay a penally for an error in forecasting. But there have been no mistakes so far.

His mathematical mind is of great help in forecasting. Grigori has worked in a closed design office for a long time. There he often, without resorting to the help of a computer, quickly made mental calculations of movements of sputniks and other cosmic objects. He himself is of the opinion that the work taught him thinking on a large scale and feeling at the macro level

We think that the phenomen of Ghrabovoi will be explained in the future. He agrees to subject himself to cxpclmcntswhich could be checked with the help of technical means.

Ghrabovoi has often spoken at scientific meetings and demonstrated his abilities. At the moment he is ready to answer our readers’ questions about marketing and other economic problems. If you have questions to Grigori Ghrabovoi send them to the Business Review.

«Бизнес ревю» №7, июль 1995 г. Международная экономическая газета Национальной авиакомпании «Узбекистон хаво йуллари». Статья «Феномен Грабового» – стр. 7.

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